Thursday, October 27, 2011


This is my first time to post about a specific child.  There are a few reasons why, but none of them are good reasons.  I see other blogs with people advocating for a specific child or children, and my heart is moved.  My heart just wells up with love for these precious ones who have been forgotten by the world.  

The voiceless.

The forgotten.

The fatherless.

I read other blogs and I know they make a difference.  Many children who are advocated for end up being adopted, yet I haven't advocated.  Why is that?  Pride I guess.  Unbelief I guess.  I felt that my words wouldn't bear weight.  I felt that no one I know in real life would be interested in hearing about these forgotten, "imperfect" children.  I felt that I would be annoying people by placing this need before them.  

I was wrong.

My words don't bear weight- I was right about that.  But guess what?  My God is the Father to the Fatherless and if I'm advocating on His behalf then the words will bear weight.  Not because I typed them out, but because He loves them more than I could ever love them.  

Who am I to assume that people I know wouldn't be interested in hearing about these precious ones who occupy my thoughts so often?  I felt like God was saying "Don't you trust me?"  I need to trust the Holy Spirit in others and let Him do His work.  How can people act if they are unaware?  I was unaware a year ago and now I'm planning a trip to Ukraine to see these children for myself.  That was the Holy Spirit's doing- and He can for sure do it for others!!!!  
As far as annoying people by advocating, honestly, that was just a lame excuse to do nothing.  The people I know and love are too compassionate and loving to be annoyed.  What was I thinking?

Anyway, all that to say- here's my first post about a child I love.  I've never met him, but he has stolen my heart.  If I could I would cross the ocean tomorrow to snatch him up forever.  When things fell through when we committed to Jonah I immediately "knew" this was our boy instead.  But God had other plans.  He's not my baby, but he's somebody's baby.  Maybe he's yours??

This is "Aiden".  Aiden is his Reeces Rainbow name, to protect his privacy.  Aiden is 4 years old and is visually impaired.  I'm not sure if he's 100% blind, or if he could see some with some medical attention.  Here is what is said about sweet Aiden on Reeces Rainbow:
"From a volunteer who spent several months at this orphanage:
Aiden is visually impaired (I'm not sure if he has some vision or if he is 100% blind). Aiden has some more significant delays however it is difficult to tell if he is cognitively delayed for medical reasons or if his delays are simply a result of institutionalization / lack of stimulation. Aiden engages in a lot of self-stimulation such as poking his eyes, tapping his head on the side of his crib, rocking back and forth, etc. When I first met Aiden he was able to walk around the edges of the crib holding on to the sides, but he would not walk independently, even while holding on to someone's hands. As I worked with him however and he grew to trust me he began to take his first steps and now he loves to walk! Still, at least while I was there, the workers never let him out of his playpen.  Aiden does not speak but he responds to his name and I believe he understands simple directions. He is not toilet trained but he is learning to feed himself.  Aiden is difficult to engage. He doesn't initiate interaction but when you play with him/tickle him, etc. he is full of smiles and laughter. I believe that this boy has way more potential than can be seen right now. Whoever Aiden's family will need to be persistent about getting in his face in order to force him to engage and patient with what may be slow progress but I believe that with the consistent love and stimulation that a family would bring this little guy has all kinds of potential."

Aiden's picture hangs on our wall in our house.  He is so precious to me.  More than that, he is precious to the Lord and I know God has great things in store for him.  For more info on sweet Aiden go here.


Alright, enough of the once-a-month posting.  It's time to kick this baby into high gear!  I decided to make this a family blog so I can document not just our journey toward our new adventure, but all the ins and outs of the fam as well.  Grams and Grammy are always asking for pics of the kiddos and I'm horrible about emailing maybe I'll be better about blogging them!  Fingers crossed...

God is doing something big around here and I know someday I'll want to look back and remember how everything fell into place.

So, since I wrote last we have been having a grand old time around here!  We went to the pumpkin patch twice- in one week!  Amazingly enough we stayed dry both times!  (that is big news around these parts)

A rare photo of the two of us.  I'm one lucky gal!

Jed's parents visited.  They live in Kosovo and we love love love it when they visit.  Grammy and Papa visits are never long enough!!!  :)  This visit Grammy taught Addie how to sew by hand.  Good thing, because Lord knows she would have never learned it from Mommy!  At least one someone in our house knows how to sew on a button now.  Heehee.

Musical prodigies- we start them out young.  What a loud lovely duet!  Things are in a holding pattern for little man's adoption.  We've done everything we can do on our end, just waiting on the state to do their part.  Then we'll have a court date.  I'm still holding out hope he may be officially ours in 2011...time will tell!!!

Ezra's self portrait.  That's some major concentration goin' on there.

Our plans for April are shaping up great!  So far we have 3 contacts we will be meeting with and we hope to add more to that list.  We don't have our exact dates set yet because we're waiting on Jed's work for the final word.  We plan to be there at least 3 weeks.  We've had some really amazing words from the Lord lately that encourage us to keep putting one foot in front of the other.  Only He knows what it will look like in the end.  We're just along for the ride! 

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