Saturday, March 10, 2012


Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

As I think ahead to our trip in April it can be a little overwhelming.  After all, we have absolutely no idea what will come of it.  Where we are going there is so much pain, so much injustice.  Literally thousands of children are hidden away, rotting away secluded from the outside world.  I think of children left to lie in cribs hour after hour, day after day.  They never get to feel the sunshine on their faces, never get to run and play , never get to see the ocean and wiggle their toes in the sand.  They will never eat an ice cream cone, play with a puppy, feel the loving embrace of a mommy or daddy who adores them.  

I think of this reality and I am overwhelmed.  I am overcome by the evil of it.  I'm not saying the caretakers are evil!  I know they have few resources, too many children, not enough hands or hours in the day.  I'm speaking of the evil that keeps this reality silent and hidden away.  This is not the way our Father intended things to be.  This is not the way He desires any of His precious babes to live out their days.  

Sometimes when I'm busy doing my thing throughout the day, changing diapers, reading stories, driving here and there my mind drifts to those lives wasting away and I am overcome.  How is it that I'm here- and not there?  Why me?  Why not me?  I'm so forever grateful for my life and what I've been given, but sometimes I am overcome by the injustice of it.  In those moments it's hard not to let the enormity of it all get the best of me.  I get discouraged, I think "What's the point of trying?  What can I possibly do that will make a drop of difference in this ocean of evil?"  So many organizations and ministries working so hard to make a difference. 

 Fighting hunger, fighting trafficking, fighting abuse, fighting neglect.  

I'm overcome.  But guess what God says about that??

" Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." 
 (Romans 12:21)

 And what about this?

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
(John 16:33)

Did you catch that?  God the Father says we aren't allowed to be overcome!  That means we aren't allowed to be frozen in our unbelief.  He's got it!  He's got in the bag, folks.  He has overcome the world.   We aren't allowed to turn away and say "I can't look at it.  It's too hard to see."  We don't have the option to just change the channel because we are overwhelmed by the evil in our world.  No!  We MUST overcome evil with good.  Not acting in our own strength, but through Jesus who says that HE has overcome the world.

How do we overcome evil with good?  Oh I'm so glad you asked!  :)  It's easy.  
Listen to God and do the next thing.
Live a life of yes.

Overcoming evil doesn't mean we all jump on the next plane to go feed the masses in Africa (but wouldn't it be cool if it did?)  
Overcoming evil means whatever God is asking YOU to do, you do it!  You simply do the next thing.  I'm thinking that a lot of "doing the next things" will add up to enormous overcoming of evil.  When Joshua and the Israelites had to conquer Jericho God didn't tell them to rush into the city and fight a huge battle.  No, He simply had them walk, then shout.  They lived a life of yes, obeyed God in doing the next thing, and they were victorious.  


If you're looking for way to overcome evil with good, right here, from your computer I've got an amazing opportunity for you.  My friend Julia is doing a massive, ginormous giveaway fundraiser right now at her blog here.  This is Julia listening, and doing the next thing.  This is an active overcoming of evil with good and you can be a part!

Julia is raising funds to free some of those lives that are wasting away in faraway lands.  Some of the children she is fundraising for have families coming for them and the only thing that stands between them and their adoptive families is money.  Some of the children need an increase in their grant so that when their family does find them money won't be a huge obstacle and they can be rescued fast.  Some of the money will go towards the children that I think about and pray for every day- the "Lost Boys".  The Lost Boys are stuck in a remote institution with no hope- except for God.  They are no longer hidden away.  They have been found and we are praying like crazy that God will continue to do a work in that place.  Addy and Ezra did an amazing fundraiser last weekend for these boys, so if you didn't get a chance to come to our fundraiser, check out Julia's giveaway and you can donate to the boys through there.  

Please don't turn away and say the need is too great.  Nothing is impossible with God.  

Let's all do the next thing together and just see what comes of it.  
I think we might be pleasantly surprised. 

If you go to the giveaway and can't decide who to give your donation to, I'll let you in on my personal favorite, Heath!  :)  No pressure, but I just adore this little guy!  He's one of our Lost Boys and in desperate need of a family.

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