Sunday, July 21, 2013

All In.

Home again!  The National Vineyard Leaders Conference was basically amazing awesomeness wrapped up in wonderfulness.
Best.Time.Ever.  I loved every second of it.  

Truth be told, I was a bit nervous heading into this conference.  I may, or may not have shed a few tears over it in nervous anticipation.  Ha!  I wanted Jed to be the one to represent us, but he had to work, so he sent me instead.  He's the "connector extraordinaire".  I'm usually too busy herding kids to do much connecting.  But, God definitely had a plan for me this week.  I'm still reeling in the wonder of it all.

This is an absolutely amazing time to be a part of the Vineyard family.  God is calling the Vineyard out in the areas of justice, mercy, and compassion like never before. 

"If we're Kingdom people- believing that God's kingdom is coming to earth right here and now- than we should be the frontrunners in justice, mercy, and compassion ministries"  
-Tri Robinson

YES!!!  Oh man, I loved it when I heard those words spoken.  To see a room jam packed with Vineyard folks wanting to know how their body can better serve the lost and forgotten did my heart good. I won't soon forget it.  

The theme of the conference was "All In".  "All In" has two meanings.  One meaning is that all ages are "All In".  All are needed for God's full purposes to be accomplished.  We don't just need the young- forgetting about the wisdom of the old.  We don't just need the older- forgetting about the energy of the young.  No.  ALL are needed in this movement.  We honor what each age can bring to the table.  Everyone gets to play.  

The second meaning of "All In", is that we are ALL IN.  Not just dipping our toes in the things of God, not just testing the waters. 
No.  We are ALL IN.   

"We believe that if the pursuit if the Kingdom of God is worth anything, it's worth everything."  
-Phil Strout (National Director, Vineyard USA)

He is worth everything.  EVERYTHING.  
Why not?  
What have we got to lose?  

One speaker that I loved was talking about the fear of the Lord.  He said that what we fear most is what we love most, what we want most in life.  We should fear losing sight of Jesus more than anything else.  More than fear of failure, fear of change, fear of losing my kids, fear of giving everything up...we should fear the Lord above all else.  

We're giving up just about everything to move to Ukraine.  We're all in.  But what do I fear?  I find myself fearing how my kids will do.  I find myself wondering if our kids will hate us for this decision.  I find myself fearing failure.  But, why?   If my kids are perfectly safe and comfy, but I have lost sight of Jesus, than it's all for not.  We must step outside of our coziness, our need for safety and control and fall into His arms.  ALL IN.  Fear losing sight of Him over fear of losing control, fear of being unsafe.  Jesus never called us to safety.  He bid us come and die.  Only then will we know true life. Oh boy, I want true life so badly.  I want to be all in- holding nothing back.  What have I got to lose?  If He is my reason for being...why not spend myself for Him?  

All In is saying yes.  Step, by step, by step we say Yes to Him. Comfort, my expectations, safety, all move aside in order that I might keep Him in my sights.  

“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."
Matthew 10:37-39

Will you dive ALL IN with us?  What if you stayed on the same path you're on for the rest of your life?  Would it lead to Him?  What if? What if you said yes to Him today, and the next day, and the next day?  What have you got to lose?  Whatever it is, He is worth it.  

1 comment:

  1. All In... i love it... now dear Lord move my fearful heart... move the heart of my husband to see Your Heart beating for justice, mercy & compassion ministries!
    i pray also for my dear friends who have given all - are all in - to help your people in Ukraine! Give them courage, wisdom, and compassion to be Your Hands and feet. Bring them peace of mind and give them know-how and everything they need.


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